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20 Signs Means “No Contact Rule” is Working (Otherwise Not)

The no-contact rule becomes mandatory when your relationship becomes tiring and troublesome. You must expect sufficient efforts from the other side whenever you need a relationship to become healthy and prosperous.

This article will provide you with real-life experiences of signs that your no contact rule applied is working in a good way.

Note that this strategy works similarly for both males and females.

Signs The No Contact Rule Is Working

5 signs your ex’s behavior is showing that no contact rule is working

You should observe your ex’s behavior because this can give you hints that the ‘no contact rule’ is starting to do its job.

Here are some signs that her behavior is reflecting the success of the “no contact rule”;

1. They will visit your social media profiles frequently trying to establish a link

Whenever the no contact rule is working then you will observe that your ex might be checking your social media a lot. They will keep looking at your pictures and posts to stay connected in some way.

If you notice them liking your old posts or watching your stories often then this will reflect that the rule is starting to work. It shows they are curious and maybe missing the bond you both had before.

2. They will send you gifts to engage your attention towards her

The No Contact Rule Is Working

Whenever you notice that your ex sends you presents suddenly after your distance in a relationship then this will reflect that no contact rule is working. This will show that they want your attention and could be trying to fix things between you both. It is a good sign they miss you and want to make things better after the breakup.

3. They will be affected by your ignorant attitude

You will observe that whenever you stop talking to your ex then they will start acting differently. They could try hard to get in touch with you or show they miss you. This will be like they are wondering why you’re not around like before. That change in how they act shows they are feeling the gap they have made by not being close anymore.

4. They will prefer to visit your favorite places

Whenever the no contact rule is doing its job then you will notice that your ex going to the places you love. They will frequently visit your favorite spots like your favorite cafes or special parks.

This will be like they are drawn to these spots and maybe missing the times you spent together there. This is a sign they are feeling the absence and remembering the good times by visiting these places.

5. They will text you to get your attention but will not ask directly

The No Contact Rule Is Working Will Text You To Get Your Attention

Whenever your ex wants to talk but does not come right out and say it then they will send texts or messages to catch your eye.

You will see that even though their messages look casual, their hope lies behind those texts that you notice and respond to. It is a sign they miss talking to you and want to connect again without saying it directly.

5 signs your ex’s talks are showing that no contact rule is working

Sometimes words convey things that are worth noticing and attention demanding. Whenever you apply a no contact rule then you should notice changes in her words because they will be the key indicator of the success of your no-contact rule.

1. They will say sorry and regret their decisions

The No Contact Rule Is Working Will Say Sorry

If you notice that your ex starts saying sorry and feeling bad about what they did before then this will mean that no contact rule is doing its job. Whenever they apologize and show regret then this reflects they are thinking about their past actions.

2. They will appreciate you and explain their preference for you

If you notice that your ex starts liking you more and tells you why they like you then this will reflect that no contact rule is working. They will observe things that they admire about you or say they enjoy spending time with you. This usually means that giving each other space has helped them see how great you are.

3. They will talk in a friendly way and start supporting your decisions

The No Contact Rule Is Working Talk In A Friendly Way And Start Supporting You

Whenever you are giving each other space after a breakup then your ex will start talking to you more nicely. You will notice that they could become more supportive of what you do and show they care about your choices. This change in how they chat will reflect that the no contact rule is making things better between you two.

4. They will talk like an emotionally damaged person who needs your support

Whenever the no contact thing is happening then your ex will sound emotionally broken down when they talk. You will observe that they behave like they need someone to help them out emotionally.

Their words will show that they are feeling hurt and confused because they will be reflecting that they are missing something that used to make them feel good.

5. Their talks will reflect their liking for their relationship with you

Whenever you notice that your ex talks about the good times you had together or say that they miss being with you then this will reflect that the no contact rule is working. If they bring up happy memories or ask about how you are doing now then this shows they still care about the relationship.

5 signs your behavior is showing no contact rule is working

Behavior speaks about the genuine things happening around you and the satisfaction in your behavior reflects the success of the no-contact rule.

Here are some signs based on real-life experiences that will reflect your behavior showing that no contact rule is working;

1. You will not be affected by his messages or calls

The No Contact Rule Is Working Will Not Be Affected By His Messages Or Calls

You will notice the no contact rule working whenever his messages or calls won’t bother you. You will feel calm inside and not get upset by his attempts to talk. You will feel more peaceful instead of becoming worried which will show that taking space is helping you feel better.

2. You will feel stress-free during different life phases

Whenever you give space to your relationship then you will start feeling less stressed out as time goes on. You will see that things that used to worry you will not seem as big anymore which will make your days feel lighter. This will be like lifting a weight off your shoulders and helping you handle things better as time goes by.

3. Your emotions will become your priority

Whenever the no contact rule is working on you then you will start caring more about how you feel. Your emotions become important and you will spend time thinking about how you are doing and making sure you feel good inside. This will feel like giving yourself a big hug before worrying about anything else.

4. You will find another girl aligning with your personality

If you stick to the no contact rule then you will meet someone similar to you. They can possess similar interests, jokes that make you laugh, or beliefs that match yours. This will be like finding a new friend who makes things change for the better.

5. You will gain a new perspective on observing people

The No Contact Rule Is Working Talk Will Gain New Perspective On Observing People

Whenever the no contact rule is working on you then you will start looking at people in a new way. This will be like using a different pair of glasses for observing things you have not seen before. You will see that people’s actions and qualities become clearer and you will see them with a whole new perspective.

5 signs your personality is showing no contact rule is working

Personality reflects the true spirit of your actions taken by you and how their outcomes impact you.

Here are some signs that can help identify that no contact rule is positively impacting your personality;

1. You will feel confident about your decisions

If the no contact rule is working over you then you will start feeling more sure about the choices you are making. You will feel confident about the decisions you are making about your relationship and confidence shows that you are getting stronger and clearer about what you want.

2. Their friends will start saying that you are hurting them

The No Contact Rule Is Working Their Friends Will Start Saying That You Are Hurting

Whenever the no contact rule starts to take effect then their friends will notice changes in them in your absence. They will express concern and say that you are causing some hurt. This reaction often means that your absence is felt which will signal that the no contact rule is making an impact.

3. You will treat every person with an attitude

If the no-contact rule starts working then you will notice a change in how you act towards others. You will not be rude and feel more sure of yourself. You will treat people differently by making sure you respect yourself and your space while being confident in how you deal with them.

4. You will know how to limit others

If the no contact rule is working then you will become better at telling people when you need space. You will not feel pushed into doing things you do not want to. This will mean that you are learning how to control how others affect you, so you can concentrate on what is important to you.

5. You will invest more in your personality

If the no contact rule is working then you will focus more on yourself. You will spend time doing things you love or trying new things. You will start taking care of yourself by exercising, learning new things, or just chilling out. This shows that the no contact rule is making you feel better about yourself.

Pro Tip:

The visible changes can be observed whenever the no contact rule becomes effective on you and the other person in the relationship. Along with some positive impacts, there will be some negative impacts of this no-contact rule which should be dealt with patience.