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How to Heal a Broken Heart Quotes with Images

It looks very tough to heal a broken heart after breakup or to see bad days in relationship but I will give you some motivational quotes that help you to fix your relationship or at least to overcome your heartbroken sadness. First of all keep in mind, you are not alone who is facing such type of situation in your love relation. There is every second couple who faced this situation many times but it is temporary feeling and after some time you understand each other tied again or move forward in your life to seek someone else.

how do you heal a broken heart

Here some short inspirational quotes that you can read to mend your broken-heart. Even you can also use them as your Facebook status in captions to show your feelings to your close friends and to other virtual friends. So they also help you to overcome from your sadness.

how to mend a broken relationship quotes 2016

  • Sadness flies away on the wings of time.

  • And then the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to Blossom.

  • As painful as this thing has been I just can’t be with no one else. See I know what we’ve got to do.You let go, and I’ll let go too. ‘Cause no one’s hurt me more than you And no one ever will.

  • There is no remedy for love but to love more.

  • It hurts like hell. And then one day, it doesn’t.

  • Stay real, stay loyal, or stay away.

  • God can heal your broken heart if only you give Him all the pieces.

  • Moving on becomes so painful when our other half is still held by our past.

  • If someone breaks your heart, find your friends; the good ones. They will help patch your heart back together and get you ready for returning to the subject of relationships.

  • I fall too fast, crash too hard, forgive too easily and care too much.

  • Why is it that every time I go with my heart and against my common sense and trust someone with my love, I end up hurt?

  • Now I believe it when people say love is blind, because I must have been blind to love a person like you.

  • When you HELP someone who is lost and confused. When you HOLD someone who is sad and grieving. When you HUG someone who is unhappy and hopeless…YOU TOO WILL FEEL HEALED AND WHOLE!

    how to get over a broken heart quotes 2016

    How to Mend a Broken Heart 

    how to mend a broken heart quotes

Reading quotes and sayings is the easiest way to get self motivation and healing your broken heart again to fight for your rights. These quotes give you courage and power to behave positively and think about both bad and good sides of the situations. I have created these quotes to deal with broken heart easily with cute images and backgrounds that help you to feel the deepness and meanings of these notes and imagine yourself in these sayings.

how can you mend a broken heart quotes 2016

I hope you will find these lines helpful and useful for those who want to overcome in their broken relationships. Please share it on social networking sites where possible. Thank You for your visit.

how do you heal a broken heart

How to Get Over a Broken Heart

how to deal with a broken heart quotes

How to Deal with a Broken Heart?

Healing a broken heart is very difficult but as I told you in above statement that time can easily repair it. But to pass time you need motivation and positive energy. Many people move to God and do prayers to heal their broken hearts. If you are religious and born as Christian then you should concerned Holy Bible or as a Muslim read Holy Quran verses. These Holy book verses will give you spiritual power and motivations.

If you are not much religious but believe in true logical facts then there are so many famous personality quotes are available. Read those famous inspirational healing quotes to get motivations.

how to fix a broken heart 2016

how to fix a broken heart quotes

One more tip is not to over think about things that happens to you in past but think about the future. Imagine the worst case of current scenario and accept it and then try to find the solutions, keep patience and move forward. Do something creative like whatever you love to do e.g: painting, singing, driving, playing games and have fun.

Famous Motivational Quotes to get rid from broken heart feeling:

  • Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • I don’t understand, Why do I stress the man, When there’s so many bigger things at hand?
  • Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them.
  • You can’t keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on.

If you know any of your friends who is facing this kind of situation, share quotes and verses with him / her and help them to men their broken heart feeling and give them motivation.